Including a gift to Mercy Hospice in your Will helps to ensure people in Auckland will continue to receive palliative care services free-of-charge for generations to come.

No matter the size, a gift in your Will improves the quality of life for our patients and their whānau through the provision of support, including:

• doctors, nurses and physical therapists,

• counselling and bereavement support, spiritual and cultural support,

• medical equipment and supplies, symptom-relieving medications.

This is a special way to continue your support of Mercy Hospice and make a lasting difference in your community.

Nix Grigg

I’ve always been interested in hospice care. My much-loved godmother died in hospice care in Wellington, so when I moved to Auckland in 2017, it seemed only natural to volunteer at Te Korowai Atawhai Mercy Hospice. Volunteering turned into managing the patient service volunteers, and from there I developed a deep love for Mercy. I am in absolute awe of the care that the staff give to the patients, but I also see the constant struggle to raise enough funds to continue providing that care at no cost to our patients. Because I know just how important this service is, I knew that I needed to step up and do what I could. Yes the work I do is important, but I also want to be sure, long after I have departed this world, that Mercy Hospice will still be able to continue its amazing mahi. It feels a privilege to have left a gift to Mercy Hospice in my Will.

Allan Taylor

In 2009, my late wife, Carol was a patient at Mercy Hospice. What stood out for me about our experience was the personal touch, clear communication and all those warm fuzzies. I’m choosing to leave a gift to Mercy Hospice in my Will to express gratitude for the wonderful care that was given to Carol and me during such a difficult time. My hope is that my gift will make it possible for more people to experience the same level of care and support that we did.

Frances Lucca

I have included Mercy Hospice in my Will as it’s a cause very dear to my heart. Having experienced the care provided to both my mother Vera and life-partner Jim, hospice was a life raft at a very stormy time. Mercy cared for Jim in the last two weeks of his life. I know he felt very cared for in that time. He had a wonderful sense of humour and appreciated that staff took their time to joke with him. It was the best place he could be. Even with friends and family around it was a lonely journey at times and Mercy was an important pillar in our support system. I’m happy that one day my legacy will help soften somebody else’s journey.

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