Marathon runner, Ultra Marathon Runners, Sausage Sizzlers, Haberdashery lovers, Skydivers, it’s all in the latest fundraising activity update for 2022.

Leap for Life
Take a bow Jorge, Antonia, and Kristina for your incredible bravery. On Saturday 8 October all three made their Leap for Life at 200km/h! Thanks to these intrepid three and fu/nis training, the total raised for this campaign was over $6,400! Thanks to you and all our supporters, Mercy continues to offer FREE palliative care
for Mercy patients and their families!
Young Vinnies Club Sausage Sizzle Sacred Heart College.
At the end of September not one but two superb sausage sizzles were served up by the crew of the Young Vinnies at Sacred Heart College. Thank you so much boys for the $750 raised! A great result and a wonderful testament to putting the school’s values into action.

Taupo Ultra Marathon
And the feats of fitness continue with Darryl Ferenz, who raised over $3K for Mercy Hospice by running the Taupo Ultra Marathon in October! A truly incredible achievement.
“After losing Mom 12 years ago to cancer, I have always wanted to give back to the amazing team at Mercy Hospice, for the beautiful care and comfort they gave her while she battled through her last days with us on earth. We always knew she was in the best hands to be as comfortable and in the best care possible with the amazing staff. There was always full trust that they would keep the environment around Mom as peaceful as possible.
Taupo Ultra Marathon has granted me the opportunity to give back by running 100km through the beautiful farmlands and dedicate any donations raised by our amazing friends and family back to Mercy Hospice, so they can continue to give the life changing service to other families as they go through similar challenges with their loved ones.”
“The race went really well completing the 100km in just over 12hrs. Proud Daddy moment crossing the finish line with my two little kiddies as support crew and having my family there to cheer me on. Safe to say the legs are going to be pretty wobbly for a few days.”

Fabric and haberdashery enthusiasts were overjoyed at the end of October with the final go ahead of Fabric-a-brac! The event was organised by Grace Samuelson, included a delicious bake sale, and raised over $1,000. Thank you to everyone who attended and worked away in the background.

Sam Bajaj
Thank you, Sam Bajaj, for how much you have supported Mercy Hospice this year. This wonderful watchmaker has a collection box in his store and for small jobs encourages people to make donations to Mercy Hospice rather than charge them. This wonderful man has helped raise over $500 for Mercy in 2022. Visit Sam at 197 Broadway, Newmarket.
For more information and ideas about setting up your own community fundraising event, contact our friendly fundraising team on 0800 888 474 or email [email protected].
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