Thank you for giving families the gift of time together
Your generosity provides a range of care and support, enabling people and their whānau to spend time together when it matters most.
“the care and love we experienced from Mercy Hospice was profound and beautiful”
Your ongoing support is helping everyday Aucklanders navigate one of life’s hardest stages: the loss of a loved one.
Thank you, Christopher for allowing us to share your story.

Upcoming Events
To our passionate supporters, keen to continue the care at Mercy Hospice and make quality of life a right for all Aucklanders, thank you so much and we hope to see you at the next event!
Thank you to the Trusts and Foundations
who have supported Mercy Hospice through generous grants.
who have supported Mercy Hospice through generous grants.
Ara Lodge No. 348 IC Charitable Trust
Barbara Theresa Lipanovich and Robert Ned Covich Charitable Trust (managed by Perpetual Guardian)
Barney & Patsy McCahill Charitable Trust
Dragon Community Trust
Four Winds Foundation
James Russell Lewis Charitable Trust (managed by Perpetual Guardian)
Margaret Neutze Memorial Fund
North and South Trust
Masfen Foundation
Maurice Paykel Charitable Trust
Milestone Foundation
Thank you to all the Mercy Hospice supporters including our volunteers.
We could not do it without you.

Mercy Hospice corporate partners and supporters
Hospice New Zealand’s supporters and sponsors
Make all the difference
Whether it’s a regular donation, a Gift in your Will, volunteering, fundraising, or supporting through your business, quality of life for adults living with life-limiting illness and their families can be improved when you turn compassion into action.
Did you know that regular monthly gifts are a lasting way to reassure whānau that their loved ones will receive the highest level of palliative care? This can be completed via direct debit, from your bank account, or through payroll giving. Please note, you may receive a call in the coming weeks from the team at Mercy about this incredibly valuable way of giving.
Click the button to make your donation or give us a call on 0800 888 474 or email [email protected] and we’ll help you find a way to give back that works for you.

Memorial Tiles
One of the ways that family and friends choose to remember their loved ones cared for at Mercy is with a beautiful commemorative tile in our Past, Present, and Future Courtyard. Filled with gorgeous ceramics by artist, Bob Steiner, the courtyard is open all year round. For more information, please contact the Fundraising team on 0800 888 474 or [email protected].